Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"Lazy" bug...gets me everytime!

I have this funny thing happen to me every time I go home for the Holidays. It is a modern medical marvel that no one can explain, and I am literally sick and tired of it. I call it "couchous potatious" or The "Lazy" bug. The minute I walk into my parents home I get tired, get feelings of apathy, and eat everything in the house...*sigh*

I've tried a few different treatments: Planning out the week prior to coming, exercising, getting together with old friends (not older friends) and even having a list of "to do's" with in the time I'm there. Nevertheless I have no zeal for accomplishing what I planned, and all I feel like doing is laying comatose in the hot tub.

The good news is that I've been commissioned to paint an ocean scene on our neighbors wall. She runs a day care and wants something fun on the wall leading up the stairs in her home. This is a great project, allowing me to get out of my PJ's and into a productive activity!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Returned Missionaries- A Study

Though It might sound weird at first...or even second, I will be working on collecting data for some research I am doing. This is going to be a long process, but I have to start somewhere. I am compiling information about RM's of all demographics, and this is a good ambiguous start! I need reliable information, so please be completely honest. It will only be one of many, many polls and questionnaires that I will be producing. Let me know if you want to elaborate on your answers, and I can cite you or leave you anonymous in later publication of my findings. Thanks a million Elders and Sisters!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Update for the sake of updating!

Okay, so I promise to get better at updating my blog, but it will take me some time. Chelsea Gould was so nice to help me "hippify" my blog scene, now it's just a matter of maintaining. As for these confounded posts, I might have to become creepily disclosing in order to keep typing?

I am currently in the middle of two research papers, both in which I have already given presentations on. One is for my Intercultural Communication class, and it's about PAGANS, and Neo-Pagans (those who are considered part of the Wicca Faith, which gleans from the Pre-Christian era, and customs of witches and druids). The other paper is for my Ethics class, and is on Sexual Harassment and Discrimination.

My problem is not to try and find the information, because there is plenty, but to organize and compact it. I don't mind writing, it's the TIME! Thus, another justification for the limited updates of posts on this blog.

Other than that frustration, I have discovered "Pazones" (not to be mistaken with Calzones, even though they are exactly the same thing), rituals and meanings behind Pagan ceremonies, and how to successfully sexually harass someone...or the filing of complaints from harassment!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween is the Scene!

I have a love-hate relationship with Halloween! I love the holiday for the fact that it brings back many fond memories of Candy, Costumes, and Chocolate. I hate the day because it seems to bring so many dark scenarios into peoples psyche. I don't know if there is any kind of compromise between the two situations? Is it possible to have a sugar filled day, with out the satanic worshipping night? The world may never see the day....
Now I am going to enjoy the last Volleyball game of the season for the Dixie State girls volleyball, and then head out to a costume party! Thank goodness for the weekend!

Friday, October 24, 2008

First Entry!

I just wanted to welcome all to my blog! I am a current student at Dixie State College, and love life here in the Saint George area. If anyone has any questions about the area, or college let me know.